One, two, three, four ... How Aegon Bank communicates changes

When asked which improvements could be made, customers clearly stated online banking ought to be much easier. Aegon Bank fully agreed. The bank also wanted to optimize a few existing products. But how do you improve systems as well as products without confusing or annoying people?

We felt that if customers know where they stand, they can handle change. Especially if they understand, they would benefit from the change. Customers were sent four instantly recognizable mailings, in which the four improvement phases were set out. The first mailing was pretty special: a folder which folded out from A5 to A2, immediately involving the customer in all steps. For more info, they were invited to visit an online landing page .


A big step forward

The message was clear: step by step, a big step forward. In six months, Van Santen Network realized more than 2 million interactions. Only 400 people - that’s just 0.0002 % of the customer base - called the Customer Contact Center with questions.

Qualitative research showed customers vastly appreciated the communication about the changes especially the fact that they were really listened to. 12 % of customers modified their data and / or supplemented it with an email address. Although that wasn’t the goal, it was a welcome bonus.