Nuvema's farewell app

A farewell app for social media diehards

The most awkward thing we can think of? How about this: someone has passed away, but his or her name lives on - on social media. Painfully, he or she keeps appearing on timelines and in recommendations. Friendship suggestions and birthday congratulations can be especially confronting. For those wishing to avoid this kind of confusion, funeral insurance company Nuvema has developed the Social Media Testament.

You can obtain your own ‘digital will and testament’ in two ways:
1 As a download from the website
2 Through a Facebook app request

Our insight: social media users don’t like hassle

Every second spent online is valuable and social media users are accustomed to ease of use. They want fun, not hassle. The Facebook application we conceived and developed for Nuvema is simplicity itself. Users log in via Facebook and go through three steps, which takes no time at all. The applicant receives an email with the Social Media will. For each social medium, he or she can describes what needs to be done after his death. 88% of all people in the Netherlands haven’t taken any precautions in this area. The e-mail includes an attachment for surviving relatives, who usually end up dealing with the unwanted digital legacy.  Anybody who downloads the app is asked to post on Facebook and invite friends to fill in a will of their own.